Saturday, January 10, 2015

LAD #24: The Cross of Gold

William Jennings Bryan giving his famous "Cross of Gold" speech.

In his speech, William Jennings Bryan declares the situation of introducing silver into the national currency is so strong an issue that it has turned family members against each other. At a convention of Democrats, a few suggested that those who supported the coinage of silver organize so they could take control of the Democratic Party. A few months later, they stated that if they got enough support they would be able to make their own platform, which they were then able to do, although this created an outbreak on conflict between members and leaders of the party, as well as between family members. Bryan states that the members who are speaking don't come representing themselves, but representing principles. He addresses the next part of his speech to the "larger group of businessmen", the farmers and wage workers, including those who have settled the west who are more removed  from large cities on the east coast. In response to those who are afraid of what actions his party will try to take or those who disagree with his views, Bryan states that their idea of the income tax isn't a new thing and isn't unconstitutional as some claim, and that their criticisms of the Supreme Court are just, do to its conflicting resolutions. He defends the income tax by stating its intent to have the general population share some of the burden belonging to the government, which he says should be a citizen's duty, and by stating that the control of money is part of the government's job, not a bank's. He further countered several key points that his opponents came up with, showing further support for the working class and displaying his belief that those with a lot of power should not get the same amount of protection. He says when they restore the money of the Constitution, then they will be able to make their reforms, because with only the gold standard in place of bimetallism, only the upper classes receive benefits. Bryan concludes the speech by saying that mankind will not be crucified on a cross of gold.

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