Thursday, March 12, 2015

LAD #35: Executive Order 9066

A poster that shows the forced evacuation of certain military areas in the country. These evacuations affected primarily Japanese-Americans.

In this executive order, FDR authorizes the Secretary of War to create military areas in different parts of the country where he or his officers deem fit and necessary for stopping espionage and sabotage of the war effort. He also gives them the power to determine who is exempt from these military areas and who is not, and also places the Secretary of War in league with local governments to provide food, shelter, clothing, hospitalization, and other basic needs of people who were in the military areas. FDR also allows the use of federal troops or other federal organizations as a means of getting people to comply if they are disobeying the order. Although this executive order was only for the creation of military zones, it cleared the way for the creation of internment camps, where people of America's enemies' descent were placed, which were largely populated by Japanese-Americans who were suspected of being spies or being hostile to the country they lived in.

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