Wednesday, September 24, 2014

LAD #5: The Federalist #10

#10 of The Federalist Papers

1. Why are factions so difficult to eliminate?

It's nearly impossible to eliminate them because the only ways to do that are to get rid of people's freedom of choice, or to give them the same opinions. Getting rid of liberty would lead to more problems as it's necessary to political life, and giving them the same opinions wouldn't work either because as long as people's reasons vary, usually due to different circumstances and backgrounds, they can form different opinions about the smallest things or become biased.

2. If factions cannot be removed then how can they be controlled?

Factions can be controlled by controlling their effects. If the faction is a minority, then it can be controlled by the majority voting against it. If the faction is a majority, the ways to control it are to prevent the existence of the same passion or interest binding it together, or the members must be made unable to put their plan into effect.

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