Wednesday, September 24, 2014

LAD #7: Washington's Farewell Address

Washington's Farewell Address, 1796

In Washington's Farewell Address, he announces that he will be retiring from the position of president in order to lead a calmer life as he gets older. In his address he also warns of things that could be dangerous to the government, like the development of different political parties as it could destroy the unity of the country (especially if certain regions have a tendency to be affiliated with any one party). He also warns against excessive involvement with other countries, forming permanent alliances, and suggests resisting foreign influences. Washington further states that the U.S. should have as little political connection with trading partners as possible, and thinks neutrality is the best option in most situations, recommending that they should "cultivate peace and harmony with all." Washington also recommends that the military be prevented from being "overgrown" since it's unpromising towards liberty.

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