Sunday, October 12, 2014

LAD #9: Jefferson's 1st Inaugural Address

Jefferson's 1st Inaugural Address

He opens his address by thanking those who helped him get there, and saying how he looks forward to collaborating with the legislature. Jefferson then states that in spite of conflicting opinions, people will follow the law and contribute to the common good due to the Constitution. He says that even though the will of the majority rules, the minority will have equal rights, also claiming that even if religious intoleration has been eliminated, it would still be just as bad if there was also political intoleration. Jefferson strongly believes that people are free to have their own opinions. He then goes on to say that a "wise and frugal government" is the only thing not present in people's lives. Jefferson also lists qualities that he finds most essential to the United States government, including "exact and equal" justice, friendship (but no alliances) with foreign nations, the supremacy of the majority"s will, and the freedoms of religion and press, stating that these principles have helped to guide the nation to where it is. Lastly, Jefferson mentions how proud he is to take on the role of President and asks the public to forgive his errors that he might make while in office.

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