Wednesday, November 19, 2014

LAD #17: Ain't I A Woman?

Sojourner Truth

Sojourner Truth, in this speech, addresses people's treatment of women. She called out their behavior when they say that women need to be helped everywhere and can't do the same things men can do, and saying that she was a woman too and yet nobody ever helped her, and she worked just as hard a man, and saw most of her children sold off to slavery, and led a hard life even though women weren't supposed to do that, according to some. Truth then devalues the argument of intellect proving that other groups shouldn't have equal rights, saying that has nothing to do with equality at all and shouldn't affect how well people are treated. She finishes by saying that if the first woman God made was strong enough to turn the world upside down, then the women of that day should be able to get together and fix it again.

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