Tuesday, November 11, 2014

LAD #11: Seneca Falls Declaration

A woman gives a speech at the Seneca Falls Convention

The Declaration issued at the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848 consisted of two parts: the Declaration of Sentiments, and Resolutions. The Declaration of Sentiments was structured after the Declaration of Independence, with key differences being "all men and women are created equal", resolving one of the issues from the original Declaration, and listing the "repeated injuries and usurpations" faced by women over the years, including the powerlessness of a married woman to her husband and the restrictions placed upon women in the areas of voting, education, employment, and religion. The Resolutions state that laws that make men and women are not intended by nature or God, and should be corrected, as well as saying that men and women should be treated the same both by laws and by social norms. They also elaborate on how women should achieve equality in all spheres of life as they were both made with the same capabilities and how men and women would need to cooperate to destroy the supremacy of men in everyday life.

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